These are achieved by building and upholding the culture of innovativeness and integrity in the pursuit of research results through a highly qualified, technically competent, well-motivated and keenly competitive and aggressively committed team of Research and Technical staff.
Vision of the Department: To carry out excellent scientific and market-driven Research and Development (R & D) activities and produce world-class and patentable process technologies and products in the areas of chemical, fibre and environmental technology in line with the mandate of FIIRO.
Mission of the Department: To build and uphold a culture of innovativeness and integrity in the pursuit of research results and attainment of our vision through a highly motivated, competitive and committed team.
Provision of leadership by example in words, deeds and actions.
- A highly motivated, competitive, committed and innovative team/workforce
- A conducive working environment with equal opportunities for all
- Make available work tools and research facilities
- Application of the principles of fairness, equity and justice
CFET Programmes: The department also runs some programmes such as;
1. Oilseeds Programme
2. Waste to Wealth ( Resource from waste Recovery) Programme
3. Medicinal & Aromatic Plants Programme
4. Kenaf Programme
5. Paper Packaging Programme
6. Bio-diesel and Glycerol Programme
CFET Projects
Current Research Projects
· Non-food utilization of oils and fats from Lesser Known oil seeds.
· Development and production of antiseptics cosmetics, soaps and dentifrices from local sources
· Various industrial liquid effluent treatment using FIIRO developed pollution Abatement and effluent treatment devices
· Solid waste management and Conversion into useful sundry products
· Development and production of fire-proof and heat resistant acoustic ceiling boards, particle boards and plastic automobile components using agricultural wastes
· Utilization of agro-wastes as alternative raw materials for pulp, paper and packaging production
Developed Technologies
· Food colours, emulsifiers, stabilizers and flavours from natural sources
· Essential oils and fragrances from citronella, Eucalyptus and lemongrass
· Pulp and paper production from Agricultural/wastes and non-wood materials
· Alkyd Resin from oil of Beni-seed (sesame seed)
· Upgrading of traditional process for production of black soap
· Glues from Cow bones, hides and skin
· Cold Water Soluble Starch Production
· Gum/Glues and Adhesives from Cassava Starch
· Kenaf/Banana/Plantain/Fibre Utilization for agro-sacks production
· Upgrading of traditional process for production of tie & dye (adire)
CFET Divisions
There are four (5) Divisions in the CFET Department; namely:
1. Chemical Technology Division
2. Environmental Technology Division
3. Pulp and Paper Technology Division
4. Polymer and Textiles Technology Division
5. Packaging Technology Division
Research Laboratories
The following specialized research laboratories exist in the CFET department, namely:
1. Essential oils, flavours and fragrances research laboratory
2. Medicinal plants research laboratory
3. Cosmetics and soap research laboratory
4. Polymer research laboratory
5. Textiles research laboratory
6. Pulp and paper research laboratory
7. Environmental chemistry research laboratory
8. Environmental biology research laboratory
9. Packaging research laboratory
10. Food additives and industrial intermediates research laboratory
11. Waste Management and Effluent Treatment Research Laboratory
Doctor of Phytomedicine & Phytochemistry
M.Sc Chemistry
B.Sc (Hons) Chemistry
Phone No: +234 8034558023, +234 7018611378
E-mail: aroke.ahmedThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; shahid_arokeThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Member - Chemical Society of Nigeria (CSN)
- Member – Nigeria n Institute of Food Science and Technology (NIFST)