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The directors at FIIRO here present, the training coordinators from Redeemed Christians Church of God, the distinguished participants, distinguished members of the press, ladies and gentlemen.

I am delighted to welcome you all to the opening ceremony of the technology transfer training on Cassava bread baking and confectioneries production for youth and women economic empowerment in collaboration with the Redeemed Christians Church of God. starting today Wednesday, 24th January, 2024.

I am quite sure that some of us may be hearing about the Institute for the first time. For this reason it would be my pleasure to briefly introduce the Institute to you. The Institute has a broad mandate to conduct research and development into utilization of indigenous raw materials to promote rapid industrialization of the nation for socioeconomic development through the development and promotion of micro, small, medium and large enterprises.

The Institute was established in 1956. Since then it has been working tirelessly in all areas of it mandate. It may interest you to know that the Institute has developed over 250 indigenous technologies since inception. These technologies are low hanging fruits for rural and urban industrialization.

The Institute though established in 1956 did not start aggressive transfer of its developed technologies until 30 years later i.e. 1986. Since the inception of technology transfer programme and techno-entrepreneurship development training, the Institute has trained over 500,000 techno-entrepreneurs many of which have established profitable enterprises creating millions of employment in Nigeria economy through direct and multiplier effects.

The overall objective of the Institute’s training program is to address the critical issue of youths and women unemployment by exposing them to various technology-based entrepreneurial opportunities that are available at the Institute for economic empowerment. We strongly believe this will give the youths the opportunities to be their own bosses through enterprise creation and development. I am particularly delighted that faith-based organization like the Redeemed Christians Church of God is living up to it responsibility of not just taking care of the spiritual wellbeing of the members but has taken a step higher by ministering to the physical needs of members through this training. It is my wish that other faith-based organization could emulate this!

The training starting today is specifically on Cassava bread baking and confectioneries production technologies. You will all agree with me that bread is a staple food not only in Nigeria but all over the world. Bread is generally consumed on daily basis with its consumption cutting across age, social strata, religion, ethnicity, and so on. FIIRO has increased the varieties of breads available to us for consumption through it R&D efforts at developing local contents in bread making.

The training today is as a result of the Institute’s research and development efforts at developing cassava bread due to abundant availability of cassava in Nigeria. Currently, Nigeria is the largest producer of cassava in the world. I want to state it clearly that the Institute pioneered research at producing cassava bread in Nigeria dating back to the 60s.

It is very obvious today that government alone can no longer carry alone the burden of direct employments for our teeming youths in various Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs). The best way to go now is to encourage our youths and women to develop entrepreneurial culture towards self employments. All over the world entrepreneurship has been acknowledged as the surest way for massive job creation.

Ladies and gentlemen, the journey of a thousand mile begins with a step. Today, we are taking the one big in a-thousand mile with you in your entrepreneurial journey with this training on Cassava bread baking and confectioneries production. I strongly believe that this process will lead to massive job creation and very soon we shall begin to see your products in the markets in and around Lagos as well as all over the nation.

On this note, I would like to encourage all of you to cooperate with the trainers/instructors. Please feel free to ask your questions. When you are through with the training please do not procrastinate, start your enterprise immediately. There is joy in starting small and growing big. Don’t give in to excuses, start something immediately after the training. Most of the multinational companies you see today started as small family businesses. The world is waiting for your products! Don’t allow this opportunity to waste.

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