Vision of the Division
To be the centre of excellence in Research and Development in processing of agro-allied products.
Mission of the Division
To carry out market-driven Research and Development (R & D) activities in the area of agro-allied processing in line with the mandate of FIIRO.
On-going Research Projects:
i. Extraction/characterisation of oils from under-utilized oilseeds in Nigeria for food and non-food purposes.
ii. Suitability of non-edible oils from underutilized oilseeds for the production of alkyd-resins
iii. Evaluation of the suitability of oils from underutilized oilseeds for the production of biodiesel as alternative source of energy.
iv. Characterization of oils from non-edible oilseeds as substitute for petroleum based chemicals in cosmetics and body care products.
· Neem programme
i. Development and production of soap using Neem extracts.
ii. Development and production of herbal toothpaste using Neem extracts.
iii. Development and production of herbal shampoo from Neem extracts.
iv. Development and production of body cream and lotion from Neem extracts.
Development and production of colorants/dyes from natural sources for food and industrial applications.
Production of sorbitol from cassava starch.
Development and production of herbal-ointment(s) from natural sources.
Development-available technologies
i. Vegetable oils and oilseeds processing
ii. Production of alkyd resin from beniseed oil.
iii. Production of paint.
iv. Food colours and flavours for industrial utilization.
v. Starch processing and modifications.
vi. Soap and cosmetics
vii. Essential oils from citronella, eucalyptus and lemon grass; fragrances.
viii. Muscle relaxant and mosquito repellent from shea-fat
Contact the Division
Dr. Okoh Sunday Ofuzim
Deputy Director, Chemical Technology Division
PhD (Chemistry), MSc (Chemistry), BSc (Chemistry)
Professional Bodies
1. Institute of Chartered Chemistry of Nigeria (ICCON)
2. Chemical Society of Nigeria (CSN)
3. Biotechnology Society of Nigeria (BSN)
4. Institute of Chemical Society of South Africa (ICSA)
5. Society of Mechanical Plantsin Economic Development South Africa
6. Society of Essential Oil Distillens Association of Nigeria (SEODAN)
E-Mail Address:- This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Phone No:- +2348135620759; +2348028498344