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 Protein requirement of young adult Nigerian females on habitual Nigerian diet at the usual level of energy in Protein requirement of young adult Nigerian females on habitual Nigerian diet at the usual level of energy intake HOT



A short-term N balance study was conducted In twelve healthy female adults aged 21-32 years to determine their protein requirement. Four dietary protein levels (0 3, 0-4, 0-5 and 0 6 g protein/kg per d) were used. Energy intake of the subjects were kept constant at 018 MJ/kgper d. All subjects maintained their normal activity throughout the study period. N excretion was determined from the measurements of N in a total collection of urine, faeces, sweat and menstrual fluid for each dietary period. N balance during the four protein levels were — 1515 (sd 5-95), -5-53 (sd 6-71), +615 (sd 4.76) and +12 05 (sd 8.63) mg N/kg per d for 0 3, 0 4, 0-5 and 0-6 g protein/kg per d respectively. The calculated average N requirements from regression analysis was 76 0 (sd 3 37) mg N/kg per d (0 48 g protein/kg per d). The estimate of allowance for individual variation to cover the 97 5% population was 95 mg N/kg per day(0-6 g protein/kg per d). The net protein utilization (NPU) of the diet was 0-55. When compared with a similar study with men, there was a significant difference in the protein requirement between sexes. Thus, the unjustifiable sex difference in the protein allowance recommended by the Food and Agriculture Organization/World Health Organization/United Nations University (1985) Expert Consultation group must be reviewed.

Created 2016-08-13
Version British Journal of Nutrition (1993), 70, 000-000
Size 479.74 KB
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Created by Olakunle, Joel
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